Equal Opportunities


The College will work to remove any barriers, real or perceived, which might deter people of the highest ability from applying to the College, either as staff or students. The College aims to provide an inclusive environment which values diversity and maintains a working, learning and social environment in which the rights and dignity of all its staff and students are respected to assist them in reaching their full potential.

No prospective or actual student or member of staff will be treated less favourably than any other, whether before, during or after their study or employment at the College on one or more of the following grounds, except when such treatment is within the law and determined by lawful requirements: age; colour; disability; ethnic origin; marital status; nationality; national origin; parental status; race, religion or belief; gender; sexual orientation; or length or type of contract (e.g. part‐time, full time or fixed‐term).

With regard to staff, this policy applies to (but is not limited to) advertising of jobs and recruitment and selection, to training and development, to opportunities for promotion, to conditions of service, benefits, facilities and pay, to health and safety, to conduct at work, to grievance and disciplinary procedures and to termination of employment

With regard to students, this policy applies to (but is not limited to) admissions, teaching, learning and research provision, to grant the scholarships, grants and other awards under the College’s control, to student support, to College accommodation and other facilities, to health and safety, to personal conduct and to student complaints and disciplinary procedures.

In order to realise its commitment, the College will:

  • Promote the aims of this policy;
  • Be proactive in eliminating discrimination, including harassment and bullying, through training and the production and dissemination of applicable codes of practice and guidance
  • Have regard to its obligations under relevant legislation, including the requirement to carry out impact assessments in certain areas, and for its policies, codes of practice and guidance to mirror the same and be changed to meet the demands of new legislation;
  • Whilst acknowledging that they are not legally binding, have regard to any Codes of Practice issued or adopted by the Commission for Equality and Human Rights;
  • Make this policy, as well as all codes of practice and guidance, available to all staff and students; and
  • Regularly review the terms of this policy and all associated codes of practice and guidance.


This policy applies to all members of the College, students and staff, whether permanent, temporary, casual, part‐time or on fixed‐term contracts, to job applicants, to student applicants, current and former students, to associate members and to visitors to the college

This policy statement is supported by the following policies:

  • Race equality
  • Disability equality
  • Gender equality
  • Age equality
  • Religion and belief equality
  • Sexual orientation equality

Complaints regarding the College Equal Opportunities Statement or Policies are to be raised with the Bursar who will present them to the College Welfare Committee in the first instance for consideration.

Further information on the general principles of equality law can be found at: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2010/15/contents