Health and Safety Policy


General Policy Statement

1. At Mont Rose College, we are responsible for and are committed to the health, safety and welfare of all of our employees, students and others who might be affected by activities on our premises, so far as is practicable and reasonably possible. We will ensure that our statutory duties are met at all times, where applicable.

2. The Board of Governors and the Principal (CEO) accept their collective role in providing health and safety leadership of the College and understand their duties under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act (1974), and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (as amended) 2002, in the provision of

  • A safe place to work and study,
  • Plant and equipment that are safe and without risk of harm,
  • Suitable and sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable employees and students to avoid hazards and contribute positively
    to their own health and safety,
  • Adequate and suitable welfare facilities and other related statutory

3. The College aims to achieve the highest possible standards of awareness and attention to matters of safety, health and welfare at all levels of the organisation.

4. All employees and students are given adequate training and instructions as are deemed necessary in the safe management of educational activities. Management will make sure that methods of work and teaching enable health and safety regulations to be maintained at all times, and allow for proper supervision of activities where necessary. Issues regarding health and safety can be raised by employees, students and visitors.

5. Co-operation by each employee, regardless of position or rank and all students must be maintained as this will allow for the statutory duties to be effectively and successfully implemented. The legal obligation of taking reasonable and responsible care of one’s own health and safety falls upon each individual that are affected by their own activities and/or omissions.

Roles and responsibilities

Mont Rose College Management

6. To ensure that all employees, students and visitors are made aware of the safety procedures that are implemented by the College; this includes adequate and specific training and instruction that should be strictly adhered to.

7. To ensure that all equipment used are adequate for the task in hand that they are in good working condition, maintained and serviced regularly, where applicable and that hygienic measures are taken and supervised at all times ensuring a safe environment.

8. To make sure the appropriate steps are taken to ensure investigation into risks relating to health and safety issues that arise from the activities on the premises of Mont Rose College; and to rectify any issues that occur as deemed suitably appropriate.

9. To bring any health and safety issues to the immediate attention of the Human Resources and Welfare Committee.

10. To record appropriately all accidents and make sure they are reported and make sure that appropriate checks and investigations are done to look into the causes of such occurrences and for remedial actions to be carried out in an appropriate manner.

11. To ensure that safe and easy access both to and from premises of the College are maintained at all times.

Human Resource & Welfare Committee

12. The Human Resources and Welfare Committee has the responsibility to monitor and review the college’s health, safety and welfare policy.

13. The membership of the committee includes a number of people with specific cross-college roles relating to the operations, administration, finance and academics. The following are members of the committee:

Principal – Chairperson
Admissions / Admin Manager
Finance Manager / Secretary
Director Academics

14. Monitoring of this policy will take place on a regular basis, to ensure that objectives are properly and effectively maintained and achieved. Where deemed appropriate, the policy will be reviewed, and if necessary, revised under the law and/or organisational changes.


15. All employees are responsible for their own health and safety, and the health and safety of others who may be affected by their acts and omissions. All employees must ensure that they conduct their duties in a safe manner and in accordance with the College Health & Safety Policy

16. Employees must ensure that they:

  • a)take reasonable care of themselves and have due regard for others;
  • b)where necessary help the College meet the duties imposed on it;
  • c)don’t interfere with or misuse anything provided for health and safety;
  • d)bring any breaches of the safety policy to the employer’s attention via their Line Manager or Health & Safety Manager;
  • e) report any accident at work which results in personal injury or ill health, however minor, and every dangerous occurrence, including fire;
  • f) report “near miss” incidents which have the potential to cause injury or ill health
  • g) notify the Health & Safety Manager when suffering from a disease or medical condition which may be caused by, or made worse by, work activities (this
    information will be treated as confidential);
  • h) not proceed with any activity if they feel it poses a threat to their health and safety, or to that of others;
  • i) report any unsafe or unhealthy working conditions, or suspected faults in
    buildings, building fabric, or in any equipment, to the Line Manager or Health
    and Safety Manager, without delay;
  • j)assist any visitors who may not be familiar with College procedures, to the best of their abilities.

Students and visitors

17. The attention of all students is drawn to their legal responsibility, under section 8 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, not to interfere with or misuse anything, any objects, structures or systems of study, provided by the College in the interests of health and safety. Students should:

  • a)report any accident at work which results in personal injury or ill health, however minor, and every dangerous occurrence, including fire;
  • b)report “near miss” incidents which have the potential to cause injury or ill health;
  • c)notify the College Health & Safety Manager when suffering from a disease or medical condition which may be caused by, or made worse by, work activities (this information will be treated as confidential);
  • d)not proceed with any activity if they feel it poses a threat to their health and safety, or to that of others;
  • e)report any unsafe or unhealthy working conditions, or suspected faults in buildings; building fabric, or in any equipment, to the Health and Safety Manager without delay;
  • f)assist any visitors who may not be familiar with College procedures, to the best of their abilities.

18. Any employee or any student may contact the Health & Safety Manager for advice and guidance.

Emergency Procedures

19. The Emergency procedures at Mont Rose College allow for signs of immediate and imminent risks to health and safety and allow for students and employees to move to the nearest place of safety from danger.

Information and Communication

20. The College ensures that appropriate health, safety and welfare information is given to all students and staff. Statutory notices are updated regularly and displayed throughout the premises of the College. Safety Committee meetings will be held on a regular basis, where issues concerning matters of health and safety can be discussed.