Public Information Policy
- The policy supports Mont Rose College procedures for oversight, control, quality and review over public domain information about the College, which is produced and distributed by the College
- The purpose of the policy is to publish public information about MRC accurately, fairly, reasonably and timely. The policy will serve as a guide to ensure that the College produces information about the learning opportunities its offers that is fit for purpose, accessible and trustworthy
- This policy applies to all public information in printed, electronic or broadcast form which is intended to be made public which refers to all MRC courses and activities
Printed Material
- Information must be published in a manner that adequately meets the standards required by legislation, awarding bodies, regulatory bodies and stakeholder requirements
- All documents will be checked for grammar, punctuation, spelling and format prior to publication
- All staff should ensure that information provided, including that on the website, intranet and through social media channels complies with college policies meets the college’s standards of quality, is accurate, timely, up to date, reliable and fit for purpose
- Information will meet any applicable legal obligations e.g. in relation to copyright and the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998
MRC Website
- MRC maintains a dedicated website which provides external audiences with information regarding courses, campus, facilities, news and special events. It is the responsibility of the Principal to ensure that the website is accurate, informative and reflects current operations
- The accuracy of academic content is verified as required on an ongoing basis, and at least twice yearly, by the Campaign Manager
- The accuracy of corporate and administrative content is verified as required on an ongoing basis, and at least twice yearly, by the Senior Management
Social Media
- MRC uses various social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter to provide external audiences with direct engagement as well as information regarding the College’s courses, campuses, facilities, news and special events. It is the responsibility of the Campaign Manager to ensure that the information relayed is accurate and reflects the College operations
Electronic Material
- The College has Moodle (VLE) for the students where there is a student space as well as teacher’s space for the provision of ongoing information intended to assist the work of students, and a Staff. Both the Student and Staff space are maintained on an ongoing basis by the Campaign Manager, although ultimate responsibility rests with the Principal
Information for Students
- The College Admission Staff shall make every effort to ensure that the processes of the application and admission are accurately described and presented for all prospective applicants, and that prospective students are provided with all necessary or requested information to ensure they make an informed choice in the selection of their programmes of study
- On enrolment and commencement of studies, students shall be provided with the Student Handbook and access to the appropriate electronic information sites for current and ongoing information in relation to their programmes of study as part of an induction programme.
- Students shall also be provided with information about the support that will be provided, what they can expect from the College, and the expectations of them and their responsibilities as students, including the Code of Conduct and the rules, regulations, policies and procedures that apply to them
- Students shall also be provided with information about how any information about them is maintained and stored, and how communications about progress in their studies will be maintained and updated
Communication with the Press & Media
- All official communications with the press and media are handled by the Principal. Press releases may only be issued on the authority of the Principal. Individual staff, however, may respond to legitimate external information requests relating to their areas of academic or professional expertise, but they are strongly advised to seek guidance from senior College staff before doing so
Copyright Responsibilities
- All concerned staff of MRC should ensure that any published material conforms to them the requirements of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, and any subsequent amendments. Guidance can be found from the UK Copyright Service at: for observation and compliance of copyright provisions in all materials produced rests with the Academic Manager and with the ultimate responsibility of the Principal