An associate degree in the United kingdom is an academic undergraduate program. The qualification provides you with basic knowledge about the subject and enhances your skills in professional life. These skills are relevant to your employment, including organization, effective communication, critical thinking, etc.
What is the equivalent of an associate degree in the UK?
The equivalent to An Associate degree in the United kingdom is commonly known as a foundation and Higher National Diploma (HND) course. A foundation degree offers you a combination of workplace and academic study. This course is equivalent to studying the second year of an undergraduate course. Foundation courses are usually studied full-time or part-time. Full-time will take you usually two years to complete and part-time will take you four years. You can find more information by clicking on the link: (Prospects link)
Higher National Diploma (HND) courses are level 5 qualification that is equivalent to the second year of a Bachelor’s degree. Full-time takes two years to complete, or three to four years part-time, and is designed to equip you with skills that are relevant to your chosen career. If you are seeking to study courses such as business, health and social care, or hospitality, doing an HND may be more beneficial to you as opposed to studying for a bachelor’s degree. For more information, you can click on this link:
Does Mont Rose College offer associate degree equivalent courses?
Yes, Mont Rose College offers HND qualifications in business, health and social care, and hospitality management all courses are approved by Pearson Edexcel that are aimed at preparing learners for employment. The first year of the course Is an HNC (Higher National Certificate) at a level 4. Whereas the second year is an HND qualification level 5. If you wish to just study for one year and receive your HNC qualification, you can. You will be taught in a variety of ways such as: through classroom lectures, class discussions, presentations, one-to-one tutorial sessions, and case studies. More information can be found using this link:
Mont Rose College offers many different courses to suit you, our Higher National Diplomas are extremely popular and you will be given adequate support and guidance throughout the course. The practical experience gained within the course will give you the knowledge and skills needed to ensure you find employment after graduation. At Mont Rose College we believe in ‘Excellence through Learning’ and every member of our staff embodies this ideology to ensure that you succeed.
Higginbotham, D., 2021. Guide to qualifications | [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 30 September 2022].