best college A worrying number of students “drop out” of Higher Education before their second year of study. And that rate grew between 2016 and 2017.
Many universities report that one in 10 students now drop out and in some cases, it is one in four.
There’s also evidence to suggest that if you attend a university or college in London, you are even more likely to leave part way through your degree.
If you’re considering signing up for a degree course, how can you be sure that you don’t further boost those statistics?
Realistic goals
It’s recommended that you thoroughly consider your motivation and end goals. You need to balance your interests with your ambitions. For example, you may enjoy studying hospitality at college because you love restaurants and hotels, but is that your chosen career?
Don’t pick a course you think will be easy either. Go into it with your eyes open and with a future plan. Which course of study would really boost your career prospects?
Clear evaluation
The course you wish you could do may differ widely from your abilities and potential to cope with the work involved. Look at both your interests and skill sets to make sure you will have the enthusiasm, but also the ability to do full justice to the degree.
You will probably do some digging to find out which colleges do the course that you want and how they approach the content. But you also need to look carefully at each Higher Education venue and the surrounding area. Is this somewhere you could happily live for the next two or three years? Will you get the right level of support from this college in a holistic way?
Many students have moments of concern or homesickness during their degree studies, especially in the first few months. Be sure that your chosen college has what it takes to providing caring help. And, a variety of study aids, systems and support to ensure that everyone can learn at their own pace.
Talk things through
This point covers you both while choosing your best college and throughout your time of studying.
Contact the places you are considering and chat about the detail of your best college, the additional support and services offered. The more information you have the better. Also, speak up if you have questions or concerns at any point during your degree. There are places to go for academic, pastoral and health support. Please don’t wrestle with problems on your own.
For a chat with someone at Mont Rose College in Ilford, contact us on 020 8556 5009. We would be pleased to help you to research whether we offer what you need and desire for a bright future.